What is SCURC?

SCURC is the Student Council for Undergraduate Research and Creativity. We are an official bureau of the Florida State University Student Government Association (FSU SGA), and it's our mission to help undergraduates learn how to get involved with research and to support them however we can.

How can I get involved with research?

Undergraduates can get involved with ongoing research through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), Directed Individual Study (DIS), or other research assistantship roles. Set up an appointment with an undergraduate research ambassador for assistance with any of these approaches!

I'm a fine arts student. Can I conduct research?

Yes! Students from all disciplines can get involved with research – they don't even have to do research within their major discipline.

Who can I ask for help/advising on my research project?

We recommend starting with an appointment with one of our Undergraduate Research Ambassadors, but you can also talk to professors from your classes, graduate students, or the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement.

I'm a senior. Is it too late for me to get involved in research?

Not at all! We recommend getting involved as early as you can, but if you're a senior and want to find a research project to work on, we're more than happy to help!

How far in advance do I need to submit an application for a travel grant?


Can travel grants be used towards any academic conference, or only towards conferences with an explicit research focus?

In some cases, yes. If you are unsure if your application will qualify, we recommend sending in an application under "Travel Grants", or contacting our travel grants chair, Chris Jayaprasanna, at crj15@fsu.edu

How far in my research do I need to be to present at a SCURC Showcase?

We recommend having at least a semester of work done before presenting at a SCURC Showcase. We welcome presentations on both completed and in-progress projects, but less than a semester of work might make it difficult to create a full 15 minute presentation.

How far in my research should I be to be published in the Owl?

Research papers submitted to The Owl should be on full, completed projects. The Owl's editorial board can and will work with applicants from submission to publication, but we recommend that the paper is both complete and thorough before our editorial board reviews it. If you have additional questions, please contact us at theowlfsu@gmail.com.

Who do I contact to have SCURC present in class?

If you would like to have members of SCURC, including Undergraduate Research Ambassadors, present in your class, please email director.scurc@gmail.com.