Programming Allocation Committee

Senate Seal

   Public Notice:

The RSO Budget Fund resolution for Fiscal Year 2024-25 has been approved by the Student Senate. The final approved allocations can be viewed here. Please visit the Fund Your RSO page to learn about more opportunities to fund your RSO through SGA.

PAC Funds Available: $45,257.29

($45,000 for Fall and $45,000 for Spring)

PAC meets on Mondays at 7 p.m.
Zoom Link:


The Programming Allocation Committee (PAC) is a Fund Distribution Committee sponsored through Student Government Association. PAC allocates funds to Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) who host events for the FSU community.

PAC Chair • Ashley Wong

PAC Vice Chair • Elizabeth Cordero

RSOs Requesting PAC Funds

RSOs must be recognized student organizations, have at least two (2) financially certified board members and have submitted a Statement of Understanding Form to Student Governance and Advocacy (SG&A) Accounting prior to submitting PAC fund requests. Please note that PAC requests must follow SG&A Accounting guidelines and strictly adhere to SGA Statutes and SGA Financial Manual. All requests must be submitted at least 21 business days prior to the event or activity funds are being requested and have at least three quotes for all purchases.

Once your documentation is submitted, if your organization has submitted all the qualifying documents, you will be contacted by the PAC Chair for your PAC Hearing. Please make sure you provide 3 supporting/competitive quotes for each item request and PRINTED email correspondence where applicable so that PAC may effectively and accurately evaluate your request during your scheduled time. Please bring 8 copies of these quotes with you to the meeting. If you fail to do so, this will automatically postpone your hearing time and you will forfeit your scheduled hearing time. Business casual attire is requested.