Office of the Senate President

Senate Seal

   Public Notice: Jonus Goldstein is April's Senator of the Month

Senate President

Joseph Cofer • Isabella LoBianco

The Senate President is responsible for residing over weekly Senate sessions. The individual is selected to serve for one-year term. The Senate President maintains order in Senate chambers, keeps decorum, and appoints Senators to committees. The Senate President is the official voice when dealing with A&S fees with the Administration.

Office Location: Student Union 3257

Office Hours:

Tuesdays: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Wednesdays: 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Thursdays:9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Senate President Pro Tempore

Jason Gorelick • Parker Bevis

The Senate President Pro Tempore acts as the residing officer of the Senate if the President is unable to do so. The Senate Pro Tempore also Chairs the Rule and Calendar Committee, which oversees the Senate Rules of Procedure and keeps track of all Senate goals, projects and initiatives. Additionally, the Pro Tempore maintains relations with the Congress of Graduate Students and aids senators in writing legislation .

Office Location: 

Office Hours:

Tuesday: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Officers of the Senate:

Senate Chief of Staff: Isabella LoBianco


The Senate Chief of Staff is responsible for managing the deadlines and responsibilities of the Senate Parliamentarian, Clerk, Press Secretary, and Historian. The Chief of Staff shall also be in discussions with the Senate President and President Pro-Tempore regarding any ambitions they hope to accomplish during their terms. The Chief of Staff shall also perform any other duties that the Student Senate President or President Pro-Tempore shall determine to be necessary for these purposes.

Senate Clerk • Natalia Ramirez-Romero

The Senate Clerk is responsible for distributing legislation, ballots, messages and other literature to Senators within the Chamber. The Clerk also performs any other duties that the Senate President or President Pro-Tempore shall determine to be necessary.

Senate Parliamentarian • Marshall Widmann

The Parliamentarian advises the Senate on matters of procedure and pertinent laws, statutes, and constitutional provisions and enforces the rules relating to   procedure. The Parliamentarian maintains order in the Senate Chambers under the direction of the President or other presiding officer(s). The Parliamentarian strictly enforces the rules relating to conduct within the Senate Chambers. The Parliamentarian serves at the discretion of the President and performs any other duties that the President shall determine to be necessary.

Senate Press Secretary • Sienna Burns

The Press Secretary is responsible for maintaining the Senate social media presence and outreach and creates a weekly calendar of Student Senate funded or related events. The Press Secretary works with committee chairs to help inform the student body on committee meeting information. The Press Secretary also performs any other duties that the Student Senate President or President Pro- Tempore shall determine to be necessary for these purposes.

Senate Historian • Olivia Nicholson

The Historian is responsible for taking minutes of meetings of the Student Senate. The Historian shall also perform any other duties that the Student Senate President or President Pro-Tempore shall determine to be necessary for these purposes.