Seventy-Seventh Student Senate

Senate Seal

   Public Notice:

The RSO Budget Fund resolution for Fiscal Year 2024-25 has been approved by the Student Senate. The final approved allocations can be viewed here. Please visit the Fund Your RSO page to learn about more opportunities to fund your RSO through SGA.

The following survey (HERE) is provided for you to submit your organization's request for A&S funding in Fiscal Year 2025-2026. Your responses in this survey and the attachments you include will serve as your formal budget request. Below you will find key information to ensure your budget request is considered by the committee to the fullest extent. Budget Request Applications are OPEN as of Monday, February 10, 2025 and will CLOSE on Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 at 11:59 PM. Budget Requests for 2025-2026 are due NO LATER than Sunday, February 23rd at 11:59 PM. Late or incomplete packets will not be accepted. Each organization submitting a budget request will be required to submit a short 5-10 minute video explaining their request and how it will impact the student body. More specific requirements can be found later in the application. On the week of March 3rd, the Budget Committee will meet again to conduct deliberations and develop a proposed budget. You are welcome, but not obligated, to attend these meetings. Additional details surrounding these meetings will be sent to requesting organizations in the near future. Any additional materials, including but not limited to, quotes, PowerPoints, or anything else that you would like the Senate Budget Committee to consider, can be attached to the application. Finally, any questions pertaining to this process can be emailed to Budget Chair Mary Obianwuzu ( and Andy Johnson, Program Director for Student Governance & Advocacy (



Leila Jackson

Senate President

Isabella LoBianco


Senate Pro Tempore

Jonus Goldstein


Senate Clerk

Yaya Similien

Senate Public Affairs Officer

Olivia Hellman

Senate Assistant Clerk

Mann Patel


Senate Historian

Marina Farulla


Senate Parliamentarian

Jordan McKenzie



Anne's College


Seat 1: Shiv Patel

Seat 3: Emily Tully

Seat 5: Emilie Garcia


Seat 2: VACANT

Seat 4: Sarah Foy

Seat 6: VACANT

Applied Studies

Seat 1: VACANT

Arts and Sciences


Seat 1: VACANT

Seat 3: Ava Siegelbaum

Seat 5: Maddox Goodman

Seat 7: Elizabeth Cordero

Seat 9: Priyanka Perumalraja

Seat 11: Further Noumena

Seat 13: Kennedy Murphy

Seat 15: Bella Rios

Seat 17: Sara Mendez Arango

Seat 19: Emma Leger

Seat 21: Angelisse Bent



Seat 2: Jhon Mendoza Paredes

Seat 4: Emma Brown

Seat 6: Alexia Holliday

Seat 8: VACANT

Seat 10: Kade Suddeth

Seat 12: Maya Patel

Seat 14: Danielle Cruz

Seat 16: VACANT

Seat 18: VACANT

Seat 20: VACANT



Seat 1: Jonus Goldstein

Seat 3: Joshua Eugene

Seat 5: Caden Vandermeulen

Seat 7: Emily Fleurinor

Seat 9: Anthony Naranjo Abraham

Seat 11: Parker Bevis

Seat 13: Shareese Ham

Seat 15: Tyler Peeler


Seat 2: VACANT

Seat 4: VACANT

Seat 6: Isabela Chavao Cabral

Seat 8: Alexander Emery

Seat 10: VACANT

Seat 12: VACANT

Seat 14: VACANT

Communication and Information


Seat 1: Lekayla Griffin

Seat 3: Matthew Boudreau


Seat 2: Karen Salazar-Angeles

Seat 4: Chase Morris

Criminology and Criminal Justice


Seat 1: Emily Keckley

Seat 3: Breanna Prieschl


Seat 2: VACANT

Seat 4: VACANT



Seat 1: Finnegan O'Malley

Seat 3: Akil Shah

Seat 5: Joshua Turner


Seat 2: VACANT

Seat 4: VACANT



Seat 1: VACANT

Fine Arts


Seat 1: Briana Rodriguez


Seat 2: VACANT

Graduate Studies/Unclassified


Seat 1: VACANT



Seat 1: Luke Morrison



Seat 1: VACANT

Seat 3: VACANT


Seat 2: VACANT



Seat 1: Mark Ondash

Seat 3: Angelica Moreno


Seat 2: VACANT

Motion Picture Arts


Seat 1: VACANT



Seat 1: Veronica Saavedra-Howell



Seat 1: Daniela Flores


Seat 2: VACANT

Social Sciences and Public Policy


Seat 1: Faisal Lalani

Seat 3: Leila Jackson

Seat 5: Joshua Benalcazar

Seat 7: Saketh Tumuluri

Seat 9: Miranda Ojeai


Seat 2: Isabella LoBianco

Seat 4: VACANT

Seat 6: VACANT

Seat 8: VACANT

Social Work


Seat 1 : Claire Cappel


Seat 2: Grace Quam

Undergraduate Studies


Seat 1: Camille Friall


Seat 2: Kevin Dissanayake

Seat 4: Chris Joseph

Seat 6: VACANT

Seat 8: Darian Atwood

Seat 10: Chigozie Obianwuzu

Seat 12: VACANT

Seat 14: Malek Mani

Seat 16: Ashley Wong

Seat 18: Carsen Leeman

Seat 20: Lucy Pinter

Senate Committees

Senate Liaisons


Asian American Student Union: Mina Dinh

Black Student Union: Ashley Wong

Hispanic Latinx Student Union: Karen Salazar-Angeles

Jewish Student Union: Maddox Goodman

Pride Student Union: Kennedy Murphy

Veterans Student Union: Chris Joseph

Women Student Union: Emma Brown


Inter-Residence Hall Council: Elizabeth Cordero

Mental Health Council: Saketh Tumuluri

Office of Governmental Affairs: Alexia Holliday

Student Council for Undergraduate Research & Creativity: Catalina Grieco

SGA Entities:

Class Councils: Catalina Grieco

Congress of Graduate Students: Jonus Goldstein

Elections Office: Further Noumena

Panama City SGC: Caden Vandermuelen

SGA Executive Branch: Faisal Lanlani

External Entities:

CARE: Joshua Eugene

Campus Rec: Sunrya Peace-Friedman

Childcare Center: Ashley Wong

Facilities: VACANT

Food Pantry: Bella Rios

FSUPD: Finn O'Malley

Inter-Fraternity Council: Brooks Berry

Multi-Cultural Greek Council: Angelica Moreno

National Pan-hellenic Council: VACANT

Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life: Kevin Dissanayake

Panhellenic: Miranda Ojea

Sustainable Campus: Bella Rios

Union Board: Parker Bevis

Student Leadership Councils

Arts and Sciences: Angelisse Bent

Business: Caden Vandermeulen

Communication: VACANT

COSSPP: Ava Siegelbaum

Criminology: LeKayla Griffin

Fine Arts: Briana Rodriguez

EHHS (Education/Health): Mark Ondash

Engineering: Joshua Turner

Nursing: Larisa Halligan

Undergraduate Studies: Camille Friall

Other SGA

Civic Engagement Board: Malek Mani

Class Councils: Lillian Atwood

Student Body Treasurer's Office: Chris Joseph


Center for Global Engagement: Alexia Holliday

Center for Leadership and Service: Leila Jackson

CHAW: Shiv Patel

Dance Marathon: Emma Leger

Diversity & Inclusion Institute: Emily Fleurinor

Faculty Senate: VACANT

FAMU Senate: Darian Atwood

FL Pirg Students: Danielle Cruz

FSU University Relations: Anthony Naranjo Abraham

FSView: Bella Rios

Golden Torch Lecture Series: VACANT

Homecoming: Matthew Boudreau

Medical Response Unit: Terrance Williams