
What are Conferences?

IRHC and NRHH connect with other chapters from around the world at the state, regional, and international levels to form one residential community. We connect with each other every year at conferences, where Florida State University brings a delegation of students to both represent FSU and exchange ideas with other delegations in order to strengthen our own residential community. Additionally, each college creates a display and participates in a preconference philanthropy project to represent their institutions. If you think you are interested in attending or assisting with future conferences, please check the links below or contact Luke Meiers, our National Communications Coordinator, at


What is NACURH?

NACURH encompasses affiliated residential communities throughout all fifty states, in addition to Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, Qatar, South Africa and Australia. Universities and colleges affiliated with NACURH can attend conferences, retain voting rights, have access to online databases of programming ideas, and host officers who serve at the regional and national level.

NACURH 2019:


What is SAACURH?

SAACURH, the South Atlantic NACURH branch, is one of the eight regions that NACURH is broken down into. It is one of the largest regions, including Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.


What is FHO?

FHO, the Florida Housing Officers, is an organization meant to bring Florida housing professionals and paraprofessionals together to discuss ideas, triumphs, challenges, and trends with each other across the state. FHO is an independent entity unaffiliated with NACURH or SAACURH. Florida universities and colleges attend the annual LEAP conference to exchange programming ideas and connect the housing community.