Becoming a Representative

How to Become a COGS Rep

 Download the prospective representative packet

 Complete the Petition to Fill a Vacant Seat included in the packet

 Drop off the Petition to Fill a Vacant Seat at Thagard Building Room 446

 You’ll be hearing from us soon!


For more info, please contact:
Deputy Speaker for Judicial Affairs


What COGS Reps Do

COGS representatives act as liaisons for their colleges/schools and make representation to the COGS Assembly and University administration on behalf of their respective schools. However, representatives are not limited to just their college, school, or department, but represent the SGA and the Florida State University as a whole.


General Duties and Responsibilities

  • Defend the interests of graduate, special, masters, specialist, professional, doctoral and post-baccalaureate students in graduate student life, services, and academics.
  • Manage the funds within its purview in a fiscally responsible manner.
  • Work to ensure the greatest participation by graduate students in the immediate governance of, and policy development for, the Florida State University.
  • Provide an official voice through which the opinions of the Graduate Student Body may be expressed.


Assembly and Committee Meetings

COGS Assembly meetings are held on the first and third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m., unless those dates conflict with the University’s academic calendar. The Speaker may also call a special session at any time if there are pressing matters that need to be addressed by the Assembly. 
Committee meetings and other special events are also part of representatives’ service in COGS. It should be noted however, that COGS is not systematically structured to be a burden to graduate students. Our processes are designed to be efficient and productive, and allow graduate students time to focus on academics, research and family.


Benefits of Being a COGS Rep

  • Interdisciplinary relationships that will enhance your network
  • Leadership and professional development
  • Hands-on experience in academic and administrative budgeting and policy.
  • Enhancement of your professional CV/Resume
  • A say in the allocation of A&S fees to graduate RSO’s from colleges, schools, and departments
  • Create policies and programs that will move graduate students’ life forward

COGS Assembly meetings are held on the first and third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m., unless those dates conflict with the University’s academic calendar. The Speaker may also call a special session at any time if there are pressing matters that need to be addressed by the Assembly. 

Committee meetings and other special events are also part of representatives’ service in COGS. It should be noted however, that COGS is not systematically structured to be a burden to graduate students. Our processes are designed to be efficient and productive, and allow graduate students time to focus on academics, research and family.

While COGS representatives are not paid, this small but important allocation of time is significant to the FSU student body and community.