What is the purpose of the SGA?

The mission of the SGA is to provide FSU students with representation, services, and advocacy within the university structure. The SGA provides quality leadership for, and accountability to, its constituency by recognizing that strength arises from diversity, engagement, and dialogue.

Is college SGA the same as high school SGA? Do you need high school experience?

FSU SGA is similar to high school SGA. However, we reflect the federal and state government more similarly. Our SGA officers serve as representatives of the Student Body and focus on ways to advocate and improve campus. You do not need high school experience. We encourage all student leaders to be involved!

Is SGA only Political Science majors?

Absolutely not! Students from all majors are welcomed to join SGA!

How can we see where our A&S fees are going?

Here is the link to the SGA Budgets! You can find the SGA Budgets, COGS Budgets, and SGA Sweepings

What is the structure of student government?

The Student Government Association is composed of three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch.

How do I begin to get involved in Student Government?

Here is the link to the Get Involved page! Here you can find all the open and available positions within SGA.

Can I watch Senate meetings?

Of course! Senate times and information is posted on the SGA Main page.

How do I start a Recognized Student Organization?

Here is the link to the Recognized Student Organization (RSO) registration process! Here you can find the processes and requirements of starting an RSO

How can I request funding for my RSO?

  • There are funding boards within the Student Senate and the Congress of Graduate Students that help fund your RSOs.
  • Within the Student Senate there is the Programming Allocations Committee (PAC) and the Resource for Travel Allocations Committee (RTAC).
    • PAC allocates funds to RSOs who host events for the FSU community. PAC helps pay for things like tshirts, food, venue costs, and speaker costs. Here is the link to the PAC page!
    • RTAC allocates funds to RSOs who travel for conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings, or trips. RTAC helps pay for things like registration, car rental fees, mileage, and lodging. Here is the link to the RTAC page!
  • Within the Congress of Graduate Students there are three ways for RSOs to be funded:
    • COGS offers funding for recognized graduate student organizations (RSOs) and individual students attending and presenting at conferences. Here is the COGS Allocation Request Form!
    • The Law School Council represents Law School registered student organizations (RSOs) before all budgetary committees of SGA and the Congress of Graduate Students, to sub-allocate funds to Law School RSOs, and to monitor and coordinate the budget activities of the various Law School RSOs. Here is the link to their page!
    • The Medical School Council represents Medical School RSOs before all budgetary committees of COGS, to sub-allocate funds to MSC RSOs, enhance medical education at Florida State University as well as to monitor and coordinate the budget activities of the various Medical School RSOs. Here is a link to their page!

Who can I talk to about ideas, issues, or initiatives I want to see on campus?

We recommend you contact your Student Senator! Here is the link to find which Senator represents you!

What does the Executive Branch do?

  • The Executive Branch works to enhance the quality of life for students! The executive officers voice concerns of students to the administration and community and help resolve those concerns. Agencies, Bureaus, and Class Councils also fall under the Executive Branch! Here is a link to each of these entities:

Executive Branch



Class Councils

What does the Legislative Branch do?

The Legislative Branch advocates for students of FSU, by writing bills and resolutions. The Legislative Branch is composed of Senators who are directly representing students within their college, ensuring that their constituents have a direct path for advocacy. The Legislative Branch also handles the budget, sweepings, and the two funding boards for RSOs. They help interview and confirm students for positions, and have editing power over FSU statutes. Here is a link to the Legislative Branch!

What does the Judicial Branch do?

The Judicial Branch decides alleged violations of the Student Body Constitution and Statutes.  It includes the Supreme Court Justices, Attorney General, and the University Defender. It also includes the Student Conduct Review Board to hear cases alleging violations of the Student Conduct code. Here is a link to the Judicial Branch!

Are there student political parties?

Yes! Campus political parties usually help their candidate’s complete candidacy applications and submit them for their candidates. Most parties interview students to choose those whose campaigns the parties will support. To run with a party, promptly contact the party in which you are interested to be sure you meet its deadlines. A party can help you follow the Election Code and rules, meet election deadlines, and plan your campaign. Furthermore, any student can run as an independent without being associated to a campus political party.

What is a town hall?

A town hall is a meeting where updates are given and students are able to voice concerns or ask questions.

How can my voice be heard?

Submit your questions here right arrow

There are many ways to make your voice heard! You can ask questions, voice concerns, or make announcements by attending a town hall, speaking at the beginning of Senate, or reaching out to your Senator. Furthermore, involvement with Agencies is another perfect way to express your voice. SGA is here for you, and is excited to hear your voice!