The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice, four Associate Justices and a Clerk of the Court. The Student Body President appoints justices from among second- and third-year students at FSU’s College of Law. The Chief Justice appoints the Clerk of the Court, who can be any student, and the Florida State University Elections Commission, which is comprised of five students at FSU’s College of Law.
Any student may file a complaint with the Supreme Court by filling out a complaint form. The student must simply state the facts of the claim and the court’s jurisdiction, which covers:
- Questions of the constitutionality of actions by student governing groups, organizations, and their representatives
- Violations of the Student Body Constitution and Statutes
- Conflicts between student groups
- Violations of the student conduct code
- Violations of the SGA ethics code
- Appeals from the Florida State University Elections Commission
- Advisory opinions, which may be requested by the Student Body President or any Senator
- Issuing any writ necessary and proper to the complete exercise of the court’s jurisdiction

Kole Kolasa
Supreme Court Chief Justice
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Wednesdays: 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Supreme Court Associate Justices:
Steven Wiktorski
Taylor Kendall
Katie Kennamer

Clerk of the Court • VACANT
Elections Commission:
Emma Smith
Andrew Barrineau
Andrew Otanes
Jake Still
Cole McLellan
Jonathan Carden