
What services can we provide?:
Photography can be provided for organization events with the primary function of documentation and creation of promotional material for the organization.
Photography services can be provided between the following hours:
       Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m.- 9 p.m.
       Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
       Sunday: 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.

If you would like a photographer to be present at an event outside of these hours, special approval will be needed, please contact the Student Publication advisor at

Please be advised that requests are accepted or denied by the photographer depending on the photographer's availability. A submission does not guarantee service.



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Turnaround Time:
The request must be filled out two weeks prior to the date of the event. Events sooner than the two-week period may not be accepted. The photographer will have five business days to deliver the edited photos to the organization. If the organization so chooses, they may choose five photos for additional editing after receiving them from the photographer.


No Call, No Show:
If your event gets cancelled or you no longer need a photographer for your event inform the photographer immediately. If the photographer arrives at the agreed upon time and date at a cancelled event without being informed, it will be considered a no-call, no-show for the organization. Organizations who no-call no-show will not be able to request photography services for the rest of the semester.