Executive Branch
Elected Student Body Officers
Working to enhance the quality of life for students, the executive officers voice concerns of students to the administration and community and help resolve those concerns. This branch houses the Executive Cabinet, Student Councils, Bureaus and the Office of Governmental Affairs.
Legistlative Branch
Student Senate
The Senate meets every Wednesday on a monthly basis during Spring semester to vote on proposals and other matters as submitted by its committees and constituents. Qualified students can run for Senate positions by filling out an application. This branch also houses Funding Allocation Committees.
Judicial Branch
Student Supreme Court
The Judicial Branch decides alleged violations of the Student Body Constitution and Statutes. It includes the Supreme Court Justices, Attorney General, and the University Defender, a law student the Chief Justice appoints to represent students appearing before the Student Conduct Review Board or the Supreme Court.
Class Councils
Student-Led Programming
The Class Councils work to create unity among the graduating classes as well as pride in each student's own graduating class. The Senior, Junior and Sophomore Class Councils fundraise for the Class Gift and provides programming to build community and pride for the graduating year.
Congress of Graduate Students
Voice for Graduate Students
COGS represents graduate student interests to the university and community, and is empowered to issue resolutions expressing the views of graduate students and calling attention to important issues. The Congress provides graduate students with grants for conference travel, and funds programs and activities across campus that are targeted at graduate students.
Student-Appointed Elections Commission
This Commission is responsible for overseeing all SGA elections. The Supervisor of Elections is appointed by the Student Body President with consent from the Student Senate.
Meeting Information and Materials
SGA meeting information and materials portal. Students can upload, search and view previous and upcoming meetings across the SGA.
Funding for Recognized Student Organizations
Learn more about the process of funding for Recognized Student Organizations through the SGA.
Research the history of the SGA and its various student-led organizations and groups.