Committee Clusters


The MotivatioNoles Committee plans events while bridging the gap between FLI and other campus organizations. There will be a pool of events for members to choose from with the option of creating and planning their own. Participants will improve their leadership and networking skills, while learning how to organize, plan, and execute these events efficiently.



The Homecoming Committee Cluster will be in charge of not only personally participating in all of the homecoming events on campus, but will also have the task of inspiring FLI peers and fellow Noles to get involved with the events as well. These events include the Homecoming parade, Skit Night, creating an FLI Homecoming Banner, and more. FSU Homecoming week is October 18 - 23, 2021. Members in the committee will hone existing skills that they have while simultaneously acquiring new ones. While learning how to connect and collaborate with each other, members will foster a relationship and networking system within FLI and with FLI alumni.